This started out as my memory of praying for my mom. I would get an apple on my tray some times and I would think about her as I carved the word, "Mom" into the apple before eating it. But it became what it is on its own, pretty much. While drawing the tree, I didn't even notice the hand in the trunk until I was done. The Alpha Omega is a reminder that if God is in all things, God is in other religions as well, so we must love everyone as we would love ourselves. But they are also symbolic of two land masses, the Eastern and Western. This is a confluence where the two meet and a small piece of Edan is being weathered away by so many tears of broken people. This last refuge holds a rabbit that's symbolic of my daughter who I love so very much and the squirrel is Spike. This little island is protected by Gradfather rocks used to heat sweat lodges and the rock in the middle is a rock my grandfather found when I was a boy, that I still have. This represents Pagan religions and all Religions are present in various hybrid forms. But this is where all prayers go and All Prayers are Welcome.
All Prayers Welcome
This started out as my memory of praying for my mom. I would get an apple on my tray some times and I would think about her as I carved the word, "Mom" into the apple before eating it. But it became what it is on its own, pretty much. While drawing the tree, I didn't even notice the hand in the trunk until I was done. The Alpha Omega is a reminder that if God is in all things, God is in other religions as well, so we must love everyone as we would love ourselves. But they are also symbolic of two land masses, the Eastern and Western. This is a confluence where the two meet and a small piece of Edan is being weathered away by so many tears of broken people. This last refuge holds a rabbit that's symbolic of my daughter who I love so very much and the squirrel is Spike. This little island is protected by Gradfather rocks used to heat sweat lodges and the rock in the middle is a rock my grandfather found when I was a boy, that I still have. This represents Pagan religions and all Religions are present in various hybrid forms. But this is where all prayers go and All Prayers are Welcome.
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